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CAQA Resources Terms of Sale

CAQA Resources Terms of Sale

  • Materials supplied are on a “one-off” upfront payment model. Once you purchase the training resources, you won’t have to pay other ongoing fees.
  • The licence agreement is unrestricted. Once purchased, you’re allowed to continually reproduce, edit, and use the material on an ongoing basis.
  • Training and assessment materials are editable so your RTO can modify, amend, and adapt these resources as you see fit.
  • You may upload your training and assessment materials on your own Learning Management System (LMS) or send them out to students in any secure method.
  • You’re free to print your training materials for distribution to your students.
  • CAQA Resources retains all intellectual property and related materials that are developed or produced. The title, copyright, intellectual property rights, and distribution rights of the CAQA Resources training and assessment materials will remain with the resource developer.
  • These training and assessment resources were created for the use of education and /or training provider/personal.
  • CAQA Resources does not provide the right to resell or use these resources for other organisations or personnel.
  • RTOs are expected to customise the documents and adapt the materials to suit business requirements and assessment models.
  • The RTO is responsible for ensuring that the training materials are contextualised and align with their Training and Assessment Strategy and other compliance documents.
  • The RTO is responsible for making sure their unit selection meets qualification or skillset packaging rules.

CAQA Resources Rectification Assistance

  • The price of these training materials includes a rectification assistance guarantee that applies only if training and assessment materials supplied in the form provided by CAQA Resources fail to comply with any regulatory requirements, you may reach out for rectification assistance for no charge.
  • This rectification assistance only applies to audits conducted by an official registered body such as ASQA.
  • Additional rectification assistance fees apply to training and assessment resources which have been found non-compliant after the original form has been modified.
  • You must submit the audit report to [brand] as proof that the resources were found non-compliant. We will not be able to assist you without the official audit report. Submit the required documents as soon as possible to give us sufficient time to complete the rectifications.
  • A minimum of 15 business days’ notice is required to resource and complete updates to assessment tools.

Delivery Timeframes

  • Once the order is confirmed, we will generate an invoice for the training resources requested.
  • After payment is made, it may take up to 1-2 business days for funds to clear to our account and finance to verify receipt of payment.
  • When payment is confirmed, we will confirm any remaining details required before delivery.
  • We will send you a copy of the license agreement to sign within 1-2 business days.
  • Once all required information and the signed license agreement has been received, we’ll process the order and typically deliver materials within 1-3 business days.
  • Your materials will be delivered in digital format via a secure document delivery service (Dropbox, Sharepoint or similar application)
  • We work on a “first-come, first-served” basis to be fair to all our clients. Orders go into the delivery queue once payment and licensing have been finalised, and all required information received.
  • Any delays to these steps by the client may result in longer delivery timeframes.


You can access a PDF copy of the full licence agreement terms and conditions here.