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HLT Training Resources for Health and First Aid Training

We offer a wide range of HLT training resources and assessment tools to boost your training for the health sector. Created by skilled and experienced VET resource developers, our health and first aid learning resources come with engaging content and compliance features that will take your RTO’s training delivery to the next level.

Explore Our HLT Training Package Catalogue of Health and First Aid Training Resources

Showing 1 - 20 out of 242

Page 1 out of 13

Code Name
Certificate II in Medical Service First Response
Certificate II in Health Support Services
Certificate II in Population Health
Certificate III in Basic Health Care
Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
Certificate III in Dental Assisting
Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting
Certificate III in Sterilisation Services
Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Certificate III in Health Administration
Certificate III in Pathology Assistance
Certificate IV in Health Care
Certificate IV in Massage Therapy
Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
Certificate IV in Dental Assisting
Certificate IV in Sterilisation Services
Certificate IV in Health Administration
Certificate IV in Medical Practice Assisting
Diploma of Clinical Coding
1 2 3 4 13

Supercharge Training Delivery With Our Health First Aid Learning Resources

Discover our broad selection of HLT training resources and assessment tools, comprising various qualifications and units of competency within the health industry, including but not limited to:
  • Medical Service First Response
  • Health Support Services
  • Health Services Assistance
  • Provide First Aid
  • Provide Massage Treatments
  • And More!
From learning materials to assessment tools, find the HLT training resources your RTO needs to enhance your health training program today.
Jumpstart Your Training Delivery Today with the Best RTO Materials

What Clients Say About Our Training Resources

Still on the fence about getting health and first aid training resources from us? These client testimonials confirm our commitment to delivering top-quality and effective RTO learning materials and assessment resources.

Health and First Aid Training Resources Packed with Exceptional Features

Our health and first aid learning resources are designed to help you deliver high-quality training that meets industry standards. Here are some features and benefits that you can expect from our HLT training resources:
  • Editable format making it easy to customise and contextualise your health and first aid training resources to match your RTO’s branding and students’ needs.
  • Simulated business sites housing workplace documents and role-play scenarios to assist learners in completing their activities.
  • Assessment tools containing detailed instructions, different assessment methods, and supplementary documentation so learners can demonstrate their skills and knowledge.
  • Detailed mapping documents outlining how unit and assessment requirements are met in the HLT training resources, simplifying the process of ensuring all requirements are met.
  • Unlimited student licence allowing you to train as many students as you want without incurring additional costs.
  • An Audit Rectification Guarantee provides support should any issues be uncovered during an official regulatory audit.
  • Enjoy free updates when there are regulatory or compliance changes.
  • Optional HLT e-Learning resources featuring interactive elements and narrated course content to promote self-paced learning.

Interested in More Resources?

Aside from our health and first aid training resources, we offer a wealth of tools your organisation can use:

Get Premium Health and First Aid Training Resources That Equip Learners for Success

Our HLT training resources undergo meticulous quality assurance and validation processes to ensure that your RTO will receive quality health and first aid learning resources and assessment tools. Get in touch with us for a free info pack and custom quotes.
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