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Compliant Learning Resources

Compliant Learning Resources – Terms of Sale

RTO Learning Materials is an authorised reseller and distributor of Compliant Learning Resources’ products.

Based in Brisbane, Compliant Learning Resources (CLR) is a leading Australian training resource developer specialising in BSB, CHC, FNS and TAE training package resources.

Compliant Learning Resouces offers digital training resources on an unlimited student license model. A license agreement acknowledging acceptance of these terms and conditions must be signed and returned before any training resources can be released to you. Please take some time to read the terms and conditions of sale for these training resources below.

You can access a PDF copy of the license agreement here – full licence agreement terms and conditions. 

A standard complete unit or subject (including a cluster of units) from Compliant Learning Resources typically includes:

  • Learner Guide– with learning content for your students to study
  • Assessment Workbooks – summative assessment tasks for your students to complete
  • Assessor Guide – trainer version of the assessment workbook with benchmarks and additional instructions and tools for assessors
  • Mapping Document – detailed mapping of assessments against the unit requirements

Select packages will also include:

  • Vocational Skills Workbook
  • Vocational Placement Coordination Kit
  • Simulated Business Access

Compliant Learning Resources’ Terms and Conditions of Sale

  • Materials are licensed on a “One-Off” Upfront Payment model.
  • You are free to train Unlimited Students within your own RTO with No Ongoing Fees.
  • Compliant Learning Resources guarantees to provide audit rectification assistance if you experience problems with your CLR assessment resources at audit.
  • Unlimited student access to the relevant virtual workplace sites is included with your materials (one login works for all your trainers and students across all sites).
  • Learner Guides, Assessment Workbooks, Assessor Guides and Mapping Documents are supplied in unlocked Word format. You may modify, brand and contextualise these resources.
  • Training materials may be printed, uploaded to your own LMS or distributed to students in digital using secure methods.
  • Improvements and enhancements made to training resources within the unit/qualification release will be made available to existing clients at no charge.
  • New releases of the qualification or unit (eg change of unit/qualification code) will be made available for an upgrade fee.
  • Resources are delivered in digital format via a secure download link for easy use and distribution. Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery.
  • It is the responsibility of the RTO to ensure the training materials are contextualised, and align with their Training and Assessment Strategy and all other compliance documents.
  • It is the responsibility of the RTO to ensure their unit selection meets qualification or skillset packaging rules.
  • CLR strongly recommends validating and contextualising any training resources purchased from any training resource provider prior to audit.
  • CLR cannot refund or exchange materials for change of mind once they have been delivered.

Delivery Process & Timeframes

  • Once your order is confirmed through the website, we will check the order details and confirm payment.
  • Credit card payments are received immediately. If you are paying via bank transfer, please note it may take 1-2 business days for funds to clear to our account and the payment to be verified.
  • When payment is confirmed we will confirm any remaining details required before delivery such as preferred unit packaging.
  • Within 1-2 business day, we’ll send you a copy of the license agreement to sign and return to us.
  • Once all required information and the signed license agreement has been received, we’ll process the order and deliver materials, typically within 1-3 business days.
  • Your materials will be delivered in digital format via a secure document delivery service (Dropbox, Sharepoint or similar application)

Please note that we work on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis to be fair to all our clients. Orders go into the delivery queue once payment and licensing have been finalized and all required information received. Delays to those steps may result in your order taking longer to be processed and delivered.

Important Information about Compliant’s Rectification Assistance Guarantee

  • If you would like to claim Compliant’s rectification assistance guarantee on official regulatory audits, please notify CLR in writing at least 7 days before your audit at support@compliantlearningresources.com.au.
  • If you have difficulty with an audit, and this difficulty relates specifically to the assessment tool, call 1300 885 484 or email support@compliantlearningresources.com.au immediately. In many cases, CLR is able to help you explain how to apply the tool and demonstrate compliance at audit.
  • If your auditor still isn’t satisfied and reports a non-compliance on your audit report, provide Compliant Learning Resources with a copy of your official audit report where it relates to our assessment tool. We will assist with rectifications to the assessment tool and provide a copy of the updated tool at no cost to you. Please note, we require a minimum of 20 business days notice in order to resource and complete updates to assessment tools.
  • If you need us to provide updated assessment tools in time to meet your rectification report submission deadline, please contact us immediately after receiving your audit report so we have adequate time to complete any changes required.

Note: As of 1st July 2018, in certain kinds of audits ASQA no longer offers an opportunity for rectification if non-compliances are identified at audit. Where there is no rectification opportunity, Compliant Learning Resources cannot offer the audit rectification assistance guarantee in any situation where there is no opportunity to complete rectifications after the audit. This affects initial RTO registration audits and may affect other types of audits.

Ultimately it is the responsibility of the RTO to ensure all compliance requirements are met at audit. No training resource provider can guarantee full compliance at audit.