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CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work Training Materials and Learning Resources

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Status: Current
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Now Available

Get the latest CHC40421 RTO training materials from Australia’s most trusted developers of learning resources – Compliant Learning Resources!

Your Certificate IV in Youth Work package comes complete with a set of training AND assessment materials that includes:

  • Learner Guides
  • Assessment Workbooks
  • Assessment Guides
  • Mapping Documents
  • Simulated Business Site (where applicable)

Enquire through the form now for more information about the CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work training resources – any enquiries, questions, or a customised quote for these popular RTO materials for sale.

Plus, your CHC40421 RTO training materials include:

  • UNLIMITED Student Licence
  • BRANDABLE, EDITABLE training materials
  • PRINTABLE Training materials

Secure CHC40421 RTO materials now through the form!

Secure the latest CHC40421 RTO training materials today! This Certificate IV in Youth Work package was developed by Compliant Learning Resources, one of the most trusted learning resource developers in Australia.

Your Certificate IV in Youth Work package comes complete with a set of training AND assessment materials that includes:

  • Learner Guides
  • Assessment Workbooks
  • Assessor Guides
  • Mapping Documents

Plus, your CHC40421 RTO training materials include:

  • UNLIMITED Student License
  • BRANDABLE, EDITABLE training materials
  • PRINTABLE Training materials

Enquire now for more information about the CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work package or fill out the form if you’re interested in acquiring these training resources.

January Regular Sale

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Product Details

CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work Training Resources

Get the latest CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work RTO training resources and assessment tools from one of Australia’s most trusted RTO resource developers – Compliant Learning Resources! These RTO resources help you deliver quality, up-to-date training for CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work.

The training resources were created using an extensive development process that ensures you receive the best RTO training materials that are designed to meet all CHC40421 training requirements!

CHC40421 RTO Learning Resources

Your RTO will receive learning materials for the CHC40421 unit/qualification, including:

  • Learner Guides – contains comprehensive learning materials and educational content for your students to study prior to assessment

The CHC40421 RTO learning materials are delivered in editable digital format so you can modify, contextualise and add to the learning content to suit your exact needs.

CHC40421 Assessment Tools

Your CHC40421 assessment tools utilise a range of appropriate and comprehensive assessments that can include written questions, projects, case studies, templates, role plays, practical observations and other assessment methods as appropriate. Detailed assessment instructions are supplied for both the assessor and the student.

The package also includes a comprehensive mapping matrix that clearly maps each task against competency requirements.

Your complete RTO assessment materials package include:

  • Assessment Workbooks – summative assessment tasks for learners
  • Assessor Guides – detailed assessment benchmarks, so your assessors have clear, specific standards of competence for each assessment task
  • Mapping Documents – helps you find where all unit/qualification requirements are met in the materials
  • Simulated Business Website (where applicable) – provides unemployed students with simulated workplace documents, policies, procedures, and case scenarios that can be used to complete assessments
  • Printable Training Resources – Once you have received the licence for these materials in digital format, you have permission to brand, customise, and adapt the training resources for your student cohort needs. You can upload the materials to your LMS and print your own hard copies for use in the classroom – the choice is yours!

More Information About the CHC40421 Qualification

Find more information about the CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work qualification, including currency, vocational outcomes, elements, performance criteria, unit requirements, course packaging and more on training.gov.au.

NB: We do NOT provide ANY training services. We are exclusively a publisher and distributor of RTO training materials for TAFEs, Universities, RTOs, and other vocational education providers.

Explore Our Exclusive Offers Today!

Contact us to secure your order of the CHC40421 RTO learning materials now!

This resources package is available as a complete training and assessment resources package (this product) or as an Assessment Tools Only or Learner Resources Only package. Individual units of competency are also available.

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e-Learning Resources

CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work e-Learning Resources

Get the matching CHC40421 e-Learning resources and elevate your training delivery! These materials include premium learner tools to help you deliver interactive and engaging training online and in person.

Our premium e-Learning materials include these features:

Seamless Installation

With the SCORM/HTML5 format, you can easily install your e-Learning materials compatible with other LMS like Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, and more.

Plug-and-Play Ready

Ready, set, train! Our e-Learning resources are easy to install—all you need is to plug it in, and you’re good to go!

Narrated Audio Content

Students can study and listen to the lessons at their own pace using the narrated audio content. This feature is immensely useful for students with LLN needs and vision impairments.

Interactive Elements

Boost students’ engagement and knowledge retention rate when you incorporate interactive elements in your training! The CHC40421 e-Learning materials are packed with engaging and clickable content to make online learning fun.

Self-Marking Quizzes

The assessment at the end of every chapter is an excellent feature to help your students identify the areas where they need to improve. This is also good for promoting better knowledge retention.

Elevate your training with eSkilled’s premium e-Learning resources! Match your training materials with interactive elements, visual presentations, and summary quizzes at a fraction of the cost.

Fill in the form today for more information, free samples, pricing information, or a customised quote.

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CHC40421 Units of Competency

The CHC40421 Resource package provides a comprehensive set of training materials designed to help learners achieve competency in all 17 units of the qualification. This package includes extensive learner resources and assessment tools for the 15 core units and 2 elective units. You can customise your training program to meet your learners’ unique needs and preferences by selecting from our diverse range of elective units listed below.

Decide Your Units


CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
CHCPRT025 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCYTH013 Engage respectfully with young people
CHCYTH014 Work effectively with young people in youth work context
CHCYTH015 Support young people to create opportunities in their lives
CHCYTH016 Respond to critical situations
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCYTH022 Provide services for the needs and circumstances of young people


CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
CHCCCS031 Provide individualised support
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDEV004 Confirm client developmental status
CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs
CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing
CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues
CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
CHCCSM012 Coordinate complex case requirements
CHCPRT033 Provide support to children and youth in out-of-home care
CHCEDU004 Develop, implement and review sexual and reproductive health education programs
CHCCCS037 Visit client residence

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Simply fill in the form on this page to submit your enquiry for more information and samples of the training materials!

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