Up to 65% OFF on RTO Resources - Until 25 October 2024
SECURE CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts from Australia’s leading resource publishers. Be one of the first RTOs to deliver CUA31120 training resources from the CUA Training Package!
The CUA31120 training resource package comes with:
These resources come with an unlimited student licence – say goodbye to ongoing fees! Your materials can also be easily rebranded (promote your RTO), and you can print as many copies as you like.
Secure the CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts training resource package now! Contact us by filling in our form.
SECURE the new CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts from one of Australia’s leading resource publishers. Be one of the first RTOs to deliver the new CUA31120 training resources from the CUA Training Package!
The CUA31120 training resource package comes with:
These resources come with an unlimited student licence — say goodbye to ongoing fees! Your materials can also be easily rebranded (promote your RTO), and you can print as many copies as you like.
Secure the CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts training resource package now! Contact us by filling in our form.
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Get the latest CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts RTO training and resource assessment tools from one of Australia’s most trusted RTO resource developers. These training resources will help you deliver quality, up-to-date training for this qualification.
The RTO training and assessment materials in this qualification are designed to give your organisation and students the best learning experience possible. These course materials were created with the help of professional instructional designers and industry experts to ensure their quality.
These RTO learning resources were created to meet all CUA31120 training requirements. They underwent a comprehensive development process to make sure you receive only the best RTO training materials.
Find more information about the CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts qualification, including currency, vocational outcomes, elements, performance criteria, unit requirements, course packaging and more on training.gov.au.
Secure your order of the CUA31120 RTO learning materials today! Get in touch with us for more information.
Get Your Free Samples, Product Info and PricingThe CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts resource package offers a complete and comprehensive collection of training materials featuring learner resources and assessment tools for all 12 units of competency, including 4 core units and 8 elective units. The training package allows you to personalise your training program according to the specific needs of your learners by choosing from our diverse range of elective units provided below. It’s important to remember that when selecting your elective units, you must choose 4 unit from Group A and 2 units from Group A and/or B. Once you have made these selections, you can finish your program by selecting any 2 units from the available list of elective units provided.
BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
CUAACD311 Produce drawings to communicate ideas
CUAPPR311 Produce creative work
CUARES301 Apply knowledge of history and theory to own arts practice
BSBCRT201 Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills
BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices
CUADES201 Follow a design process
CUADES202 Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context
BSBOPS301 Maintain business resources
BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices
BSBFIN302 Maintain financial records
BSBSTR401 Promote innovation in team environments
Simply fill in the form on this page and submit your enquiry for more information and samples of the RTO materials!
Get Your Free Samples, Product Info and PricingDebra Burton
The RTO Learning Materials Support Team are very, very helpful and efficient in responding to both emails and phone calls. As a new user of their resources I have had so many questions to ask and they have been amazing ..... friendly, professional and fantastic with their customer service!Anita Nikora
It's been a pleasure working with Amar and Trish as they were so helpful, professional and prompt in their responses to our questions. Their resources include the Learner Guide, Assessments, Marking Guide and Mapping, and they also offer deatailed business case studies. I was very impressed!Quick Links
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