SITSS00071 Responsible service of alcohol RTO Training Materials
Deliver first-rate training with exceptional SITSS00071 RTO materials!
These learning and assessment resources were created following an extensive development process to help you meet all Responsible service of alcohol training requirements. This includes meticulous quality assurance and subject matter expert reviews to ensure you receive top-notch learning resources.
SITSS00071 Responsible service of alcohol Learning Resources
Trainer Manual
Equip your trainers with the right tools and help them effectively assess students’ competency. This material contains answers to formative assessments so you can easily identify where they need additional help.
Learner Guide
Includes examples, references, and more well-researched information to help your learners meet the adequate volume of learning requirements and successfully finish the SITSS00071 skills training.
PowerPoint Presentation
Give your trainers additional support and improve student engagement with this useful visual aid. This editable presentation has diagrams, images, and key content notes for better knowledge retention.
Simulated Business Environment
Prepare your students for the real world using a simulated workplace. This simulated business intranet website is loaded with tons of business documents, templates, and role-play scenarios to help students get an understanding of and access to essential workplace information and other workplace resources during their training.
SITSS00071 Responsible service of alcohol Assessment Resources
Learner Assessment Pack
Help your students effectively demonstrate their competency using well-structured tasks and activities. This includes clear instructions, case studies, and supplementary documents to prove competency easily.
Assessor Assessment Pack
Ensure consistent and quality assessments with this assessment pack. It consists of detailed instructions and clear benchmarks so your assessors can efficiently evaluate student competency.
Assessment Mapping
Easily validate your assessment tools and ensure compliance with this reference material. Each assessment task is mapped to the relevant unit requirement to speed up your validation process and ensure compliance.
More Useful Features
Unlimited Student Licence
Deliver and assess as many students as you want without ongoing per-student fees!
Editable Digital Format
Whether contextualising, customising, or rebranding, the unlocked digital lets you easily modify your course materials.
Printable and Uploadable to LMS
Deliver your training resources instantly by uploading them into your LMS or distributing printed copies for classroom use.
What’s more, get free updates whenever these SITSS00071 Responsible service of alcohol RTO resources go through adjustments and improvements to match regulatory changes and client feedback. A Validation Acceptance Certificate is given along with your assessment resources to provide evidence they went through the critical validation process.
Purchase RTO Materials Online Now!
Secure your SITSS00071 Responsible service of alcohol learning resources by filling in our form! Get more information, free samples, and pricing details when you enquire today.
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