Get The Latest Work Health and Safety Qualifications – Don’t Miss This Opportunity

New WHS Qualifications
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New Work Health and Safety Qualifications and Units Released – Is your RTO Ready?

Great news for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) planning to deliver these highly popular qualifications. AISC has released the latest Work Health and Safety Qualifications – BSB Business Services Training Package (Release 5.0) Work Health and Safety. The new qualifications are now reflected at the National Register on Vocational Educational and Training (VET) –

The four new Work Health and Safety Qualifications earlier received approval for Care for Endorsement for implementation. This information was included in an earlier communique by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) held on June 5, 2019. The latest changes on the BSB Work Health and Safety include updates to four qualifications, 26 units to be updated, three units to be deleted, and seven new units.

The 4 New Work Health and Safety Qualifications

Included in the Changes for the BSB Business Services Training Package is the Creation of 7 New Units of Competency

Stay Ahead – Get in touch for the latest information

The four new BSB Work Health and Safety qualifications are currently available for pre-order. Our publishing partner’s team of experienced instructional designers are currently updating all training resources to reflect the changes in the new Work Health and Safety qualifications.

To get your RTO ready to deliver these new WHS qualifications, simply visit the links below. These training resources are available for a special pre-order price. Take advantage of this opportunity and get access to these popular Work Health and Safety qualifications.

These new training resources are currently under development, with work on the Cert IV in Work Health and Safety scheduled for release by the end of September 2019. The rest of the qualifications will follow closely behind.

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